One of my secret hobbies is trying to find nutritional foods to feed my family. Over the past several years I've really tried, when possible, to buy organic and fresh food. I'm not one of those food snobs who just does it to be "hip". It's a personal thing for me. Since having Kate, I feel a responsibility for what I allow my family to put in their bodies. I'm not a legalist, I just try to do my best. When it comes to fixing food for Kate, I want convenience just like the next mom. So I want to share a couple of tasty "fast foods" I've found that have worked great for us. They are perfect for babies and toddlers. They are mostly only at Whole Foods and they are a little more costly, but it is worth the investment to me. Enjoy!!
P.S. If you have any food ideas, please share! I love talkin' food. ;)
Peas of Mind
Plum Organics
Happy Baby Food
This is awesome! I just started my baby food making adventure, so I will let you know if I come across anything good...
We are requesting some more pics of Kate! :)
I don't know if you have tried it, but my kids really like the box confetti cake. We like the pink icing from a can, but you could really try any kind:) I am pretty sure they have it at central market...or walmart...I can't remember - I always get those two confused.
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